About: Fil-Nor GAIN

Recent Posts by Fil-Nor GAIN

Maritime News

Seafarers Win Minimum Wage Increase Seafarers secured a minimum wage increase following talks at the International Labour Organization recently. ITF representatives met with maritime employer representatives from the International Shipping Federation (ISF) at the ILO. The sub-committee on wages of seafarers of the...

News from the Norwegian Maritime Unions

ONE-DAY SYMPOSIUM ON WORLD MARITIME DAY IMO hosted a special one-day symposium on a Sustainable Maritime Transportation System, on 26 September 2013, World Maritime Day. The symposium was arranged in order to provide Member States, industry and other stakeholders an opportunity to...

Philippine Maritime News

National Quality Standards System (NQSS) to be implemented by MARINA The Philippine government collectively collaborates with international governments to comply with the 2010 Manila Amendments to the Standards of Training, Certifications and Watch keeping (STCW) Convention. Norwegian and Dutch governments are helping...

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