Fil-Nor GAIN, Inc. Reception
Fil-Nor Gain Inc. has participated in Storebrands’ NSA Provident Fund Seminar held at the AMOSUP Conference Room, Seamen’s Center, Intramuros, Manila on November 16, 2005. It was conducted by the Vice President of International Life Dept., Storebrand Life Insurance A/S, Mr. Jorgen Baade and from Storebrand Investments’ Mr. Arne Frislid. The seminar dealt mainly on the NSA Provident set-up, its administration and procedures, its investment, and the new initiatives and developments within Storebrand.
A Reception was arranged by Fil-Nor GAIN, Inc. right after seminar at the ECJ Building Atrium. It was attended by guests and seminar participants from the various manning agencies. The guests were welcomed by the Norwegian Maritime Unions’ officers and of Fil-Nor GAIN’s Administrative Officer. The reception was opened by a short message and welcome remarks from Fil-Nor GAIN’s president, Capt. Gregorio S. Oca introducing Fil-Nor GAIN, Inc. as a new service information office for Filipino seafarers. Ms. Trine Hagen, Officer on Maritime Affairs of the Royal Norwegian Embassy also delivered a short message regarding the cooperation between Fil-Nor GAIN and her office relating to the Maritime Affairs concerning the Filipino crew. Guest Speaker from Storebrand Life Insurance A/S, Mr. Jorgen Baade spoke about the cooperation of Livsforsikring Storebrand A/S with Fil-Nor GAIN, Inc. pertaining to the NSA Provident Fund.